
The Big Horn County Prevention Program is pleased to be able to offer various trainings (Live, virtual, e-learning) to coalition members and community folks. Many trainings are offered at no cost! Review some of our trainings below and please check the EVENTS page frequently to see scheduled trainings and other special events and activities in which you may like to participate.


This training course focuses on various issues specifically related to serving alcohol at restaurants, hotels, bars, and other establishments which can also include private parties and events where on-premise liquor license holders serve alcohol. The course covers such topics as how to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving among those to whom alcohol is sold or served.

Who should attend? Business owners, bartenders, servers, managers, event organizers, hosts or hostesses.

QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer.)

The signs of crisis are all around us. The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. QPR training provides quality education that empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.

Who should attend? Highly recommended for mothers, fathers, educators, counselors, preventionists, medical personnel, first responders… Every adult, regardless of their profession, should attend a suicide prevention training.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance use issues. Attendees will be able to identify, understand and respond to various mental health issues after completing this course.

*All live trainings will follow public health mandates as deemed appropriate (i.e., proper social distancing, face coverings, and sanitation).